The Anti-Diet Talk This Sunday

The Anti-Diet Talk This Sunday At The Green Yogi Now that we are a few weeks into January, I encourage you to take a few minutes to check in to see how you are feeling.

Do you feel good about the healthy choices you have been making or are you confused and not sure what your body needs to thrive this year?

There is so much information out there about nutrition, wellness and movement that it can be overwhelming. I know you are busy so as your Holistic Health Coach, I read and research all these new developments to see if it is valuable and trusted information.

Most of the new health information in January is all about the latest fad diet. I see so many people jumping on the diet bandwagon only to end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and unmotivated instead of vibrant and healthy.

If you are looking to feel nourished and energized this year without depriving or restricting your body, I hope you will join me this Sunday. I am having an Anti-Diet Talk at The Green Yogi in Manhattan Beach.

I will be sharing with you my top tips on how you can get your body in balance without dieting so that you can gain energy, eliminate sugar cravings, balance your mood and feel healthy.

Sign up today to reserve your spot. 

If you don’t live in the area and still want to learn my Anti-Diet secrets, email me today to set up a time for us to speak

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Big Hugs & Health,


Board Certified Holistic Health Coach

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