Feel Less Tired Right Now

One of the biggest compliments I have ever gotten was when I was visiting one of my oldest and dearest friends (we were neighbors growing up) a few years ago in Seattle. We were walking down the street and she turned to me and said, “I love the new you, this is the first time we have hung out in years where you haven’t complained about being tired.”

WomenIn my “previous” life (before I started eating healthy and taking care of my body) I was TIRED all of the time. I was stressed out all of the time, I was exercising like a maniac to try and feel better and honestly ate like crap.

When I started adding healthier foods into my life, when I stopped beating myself up about the way my body looked, when I started to love me more and got my stress under control…my entire life changed.

We are not supposed to feel tired all of the time. I know, with everything we have going on it isn’t always the easiest thing to wrap your brain around. But Feeling tired just means that we are not nourishing our bodies enough, key word being enough. 


To help you feel vibrant and healthy this holiday season I have put together some easy and seamless additions to your life to help you feel more vibrant and energetic today!

Go to bed earlier 

  • Whenever I wake up tired in the morning, I know that it is probably because I went to bed to late. If you wake up and feel exhausted from the beginning it is time to start wrapping up your night a little earlier. If this seems to difficult I encourage you to start by going to bed ten minutes earlier and then maybe 15 until you find the exact amount of sleep that you truly need to thrive in your body.


  • This is the best thing that I have added into my life recently, I take time every single morning for a five minute meditation. Even if I am feeling a little tired, after my five minute meditation I feel energized and ready for the day. If you are feeling a little energy slump around 3 p.m. in the afternoon, take time for some deep breathes and some meditation.

Peppermint oil

  • The smell of peppermint is so uplifting and will help get your body feeling vibrant. The best thing to do is to drop a dot of peppermint into your palm and then rub it on the bottom of your feet, it will absorb into your body faster. If you are at work and can’t do that, rub it into your hand and then bring your hands up to your nose and breathe it in for some instant energy.

Eat citrus 

  • The good news is that citrus is in season and its so delicious. Bring some oranges or clementines to work and have that as an afternoon snack and this will give you more energy as well.

Take a day off 

  • You might just need a break! Think about the last time you went on vacation, if it has been a few months take a self care day on a Friday or Monday and extend your weekend. You will feel like a brand new you!

Technology Detox

  • Being plugged in all of the time is just not good for the soul. We need to detox from technology to give our brains a break. If we are constantly checking our phones, emails and social media this in itself is just exhausting. Take the weekend off and if that is to much, take Saturday or Sunday off from technology. 

Stop doing so much!

  • Take it from a recovering perfectionist, less is MORE. If you have a lot going on, just try to focus on just one thing or better yet only do what you love and enjoy doing.

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Big Hugs & Health,


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