Healthy Detox With Real Whole Foods Workshop

Healthy Diet

Have you jumped on the juice cleanse craze only to still feel crappy, have cravings and feel lethargic?

You don’t have to deprive your body in order to reset it. Discover how you can improve your health with real whole foods.

I will be at The Green Yogi on Saturday, May 3rd at 1:30 p.m. sharing how you can feel more energetic and nourished with real whole foods.

I will also be providing you with the best foods to cleanse your body and will be bringing some yummy samples to try, detox as well as simple delish recipes to get you started.

In addition to the workshop you will receive my 5 Day JumpStart program, which is a simple yet effective way to cleanse your body from the inside out with real whole foods. The program includes a downloadable grocery list, recipes, daily motivational emails, a supplement guide and healthy eating tips. *Normally Priced at $47.

Be sure to sign up today; early bird pricing is $20, day of is $25.

Big Hugs & Health,


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