Healthy Weight Loss

Does Weight Loss Equal Happiness?

Healthy Weight LossI’ve been thinking a lot recently about what it truly means to be healthy, especially in terms of healthy weight loss. I know that my body is changing, I know that what I truly desire in this life is ever evolving and one thing that becomes clearer to me every single day is that the only thing that really matters is the way that I feel about myself.
For so long I relied on others to make me feel good about myself. Until one day I realized how much time and energy goes into thinking about what others think of me and my body.

I tried to mold my body into something that I really loved. I ate a certain way to not gain weight, I moved a certain way to burn off a pint of ice cream I ate without even remembering eating it.

It was exhausting and I’m grateful that it didn’t last very long and that it didn’t consume me.

As I started to heal my relationship with my body I realized early on how important it was to change my thoughts. My new yoga practice supported me in ways that I didn’t think were possible. The first time I held plank pose for a minute I felt this new sense of strength and confidence and had my first of many more to come “aha”moments. It starts from the inside out, not the outside in. 

We can eat all of the spinach and kale in the world and still not feel healthy and alive in our life if we continue to put ourselves down, if we push ourselves to extremes with either dieting or movement or both. If we are never satisfied with what is now, we can never actually get to the point of joy which I believe is the most important thing we are all seeking.

Last week I spoke to several ladies who reached out to me after pushing their bodies with some very extreme diets. Yes, they lost all of the weight they wanted to but sadly they actually felt worse about themselves not better. This is truly heart breaking to me that their system of support wasn’t a more loving and nourishing one.

It’s not enough to just lose weight to feel healthy. The number on the scale doesn’t mean anything if we don’t have a loving and healthy relationship with our body.

We must eat to support our bodies, especially our hormones. We must learn how to love and nourish our body and create a healthy relationship with food and try not to think of food as a good or bad thing. I will never stop eating ice cream and pizza and this is what I empower my clients to do. Finding what works the best for them so they feel healthy and nourished every single day.

If you are ready to create not only eating habits but also a healthy relationship to you and your body, I hope you will join me for my online training where I share how you can do both.You can join us here. If you can’t join us live sign up anyways and I will send you a replay because I don’t want you to miss any of this life changing information.


Big Hugs & Health, 


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