An Interview Series Hosted By Women’s Health Expert Katie Bressack
Lara adler
andrea beaman
Katie Bressack
- Environmental Toxins Expert Lara shares how toxins affect our delicate hormonal balance
- Practical steps you can take to start switching out products
- How quickly your body can come back into balance once you make some small shifts
- Natural foods chef and thyroid expert Andrea Beaman shares how she healed her thyroid… hint it has to do with what’s on her plate!
- Why you actually need energy to have a good night’s sleep
- The connection between your liver and thyroid
- Women’s health expert Katie shares how stress affects hormones
- Why lifestyle is just as important as diet when it comes to hormones
- Her favorite ways to relax and recharge
Dr. Lara briden
heather & damian dubÉ
- Dr. Lara Briden shares why ovulating is the most important part of your cycle
- If you’ve ever been on the pill, Lara shares her best next steps
- What happens over time to your hormones when you are on birth control
- The founder of Integrative Women’s Health Institute Jessica shares how to identify pelvic pain
- How to find a practitioner who specializes in women’s health to help address pelvic pain
- Why pain from your period is not normal and the next steps you can take to address that
- Co-founders of the e3 Energy Evolved System Heather & Damian share how it is possible to heal from an autoimmune disorder
- The connection between the mind and body and how to heal both
- The real questions you should be asking yourself on your healing journey
vikki ede
rachel eyre
elissa goodman
- Natural Menopause Expert Vikki shares how modern nutrition and lifestyle are causing more women to experience a problematic menopause.
The 5 steps needed to alleviate menopause symptoms and ensure a smooth transition through this life phase.
Reasons to look on this life phase positively and how
- The Period Whisperer Rachel shares what natural family planning is (a scientifically proven and valid method) and how is it different from the rhythm method
- Learn how to understand your cycle so that you can get pregnant if so desired
- Understand your body’s natural hormonal balance can really empower you
- Holistic nutritionist and lifestyle cleanse expert Elissa shares the role that cleansing can play in healthy hormonal balance
- What foods we can eat to have a balancing effect on hormones
- The best times for us to sleep to replenish our hormones
dina ivas
estrella jaramillo
nicole jardim
- Yoga Instructor Dina shares the importance of yoga and our health
- Discover what yoga poses can benefit your hormones
- Learn how you can incorporate a yoga practice into your busy schedule
- The co-founder of B-WOM shares why prevention is important, particularly when it comes to intimate health
- Why we need to break taboos around female intimate health: period, postpartum, sexual health, etc
- How this app is helping women gain information about what is going on with their body
- The Period Girl Nicole Jardim shares the one thing we can can do to fix our period problems
Discover how sugar impacts your period and hormones in a big way
Learn how chewing your food can actually help with your period problems
Margo lang & annie lascoe
- The founders of Conscious Period share why it is important to use 100% cotton feminine care products and why it is important for that cotton to be organic
- The social issues in this space – the tampon tax, the fact that food stamps do not cover period products, shelters limited access to these products, etc.
- How the conversation around such a stigmatized experience/industry is shifting and how we think consumers can shape this momentum moving forward
Lindsey mathews
- The founder of BIRTHFIT shares why it’s so crucial to take time to rest and heal after having a baby
- What you need to do first before going to any baby boot camp
- Why mindset is so important for any woman, even if you are not a mom
aimee raupp
- Acupuncturist and herabist Aimee shares why it’s important to prepare your body for pregnancy
- The two things your doctor should be testing you for, but might not be
- Her inspiring story of becoming pregnant at age 40 and having a healthy baby boy
susan shah
ashley smaldino
Robyn srigley
- Holistic health coach Susan shares what Ayurveda is and how is it important in hormonal balance
- How Ayurveda can help balance your hormones and reduce stress in your life
- How hormone imbalance show up for each of the Ayurvedic doshas
- Plant based health coach Ashley shares what barley grass juice extract, dulse, wild blueberries, spirulina, cilantro all have in common
- How to listen to your body so you know exactly what it might need
- How to not be afraid of eating too much fruit
- The Hormone Diva shares what three things you should be eating at every meal to help support Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- A few natural ways to reduce heavy/irregular/painful periods
- How to get diagnosed if you think you might have PCOS
Amanda stanley
Stasha washburn
- Herbalist Amanda shares her top 5 go-to herbs to ease you through your cycles
- Why it’s so important to support the liver for your hormonal health
- The safest and best ways to use whole herbs safely for physical and mental hormonal support
- The Period Coach shows us the four phases of our cycle and the power in each phase
- Discover how your hormones change your brain throughout the month
- Learn how your period is either helping or harming your business
- The founder of EndoEmpowered shares the role nutrition plays in managing endometriosis
- Discover if you are having just painful periods or if there is more to the story
- Learn what questions you can ask your doctor to help you get diagnosed and treated properly