How To Prevent Your Monthly Cramps

Today I’m sharing natural ways to prevent your monthly cramps 

Do you find yourself curled up on the couch, on the floor of your bathroom, or office in pain when that time of the month arrives?

I got a call from a friend the other day that was alarming. She was doubled over in pain from her period, and had no idea what to do because she had never experienced this level of discomfort before. I talked her through it, told her what to eat, and which supplement to pick up from the store. I then checked in with her a few hours later to her feeling so much better.

Period cramps are the number one reported side effect of our monthly period. In fact, one in four women experience period pain and this is one of the biggest reasons women call out of work sick. I admit, I did this a few times while working in corporate. I had no desire to drag myself to work when I could barely get around!

Although this is common, it doesn’t mean that you have to suffer through this every single month. Today, I’m sharing some natural ways you can prevent those horrible cramps, including making some improvements to your diet which can really help alleviate period pain.

There are many different symptoms and degrees of pain so we are going to start with normal period pain. This is called primary dysmenorrhea and it usually feels like a little bit of cramping in your back or lower pelvis. It is caused by strong contractions of the uterus triggered by prostaglandins.

If you are in extreme pain, this is called secondary dysmenorrhea and feels like a stabbing pain that doesn’t go away for a few days and might even occur in between periods. Usually the root pain is caused by a medical condition such as endometriosis. If you are experiencing extreme pain every single month please go see a doctor as it might need medical attention. But, please don’t let them put you on the pill. We must get to the root cause of why you are experiencing such severe pain. Believe me, you don’t want to go on the pill, to then go off and have the same exact symptoms – the pill will just mask the symptoms and the underlying cause.

Regardless of the amount of pain you are in, all of my suggestions can help you feel better month to month.

Dietary Changes

The first step I always take with my clients is to look at their diet. A lot of time we can reduce and even eliminate period pain by making some healthy upgrades to their diet. What we eat has a direct effect on the health of hormones and our hormones determine our mood, energy and how we feel every single day.

I was addicted to cheese, so if you are as well my first recommendation might be challenging for you. But being dairy-free not only helps get rid of period pain, but can improve most of your period problems especially with breakouts. Sometimes goat cheese or milk seems to be okay for many of my clients, but cow’s milk contains the inflammatory protein A1 casein, which is usually the main culprit to period pain and must be reduced from your diet.

It’s not only dairy, we also want to look at reducing all foods that cause inflammation in the body like gluten, corn, soy and sugar. Take a look at what’s on your plate and see how you can start to add in more healthy fats, proteins and veggies to your day. Please add in more healthy fats. Not only all month long but especially when you have your period. They really help to reduce cramps and help you feel more nourished during this time.

We can also add in a seed and tea rotation! If you are interested in learning more about this you can schedule a time to speak with me.

Stay Hydrated

This might sound obvious, but so many of us are not drinking enough water and being dehydrated is one the the biggest reasons we have cramps. Looking back it’s no surprise that often times the worst period pain I had was after a night out drinking. I wasn’t eating healthy, had that slice of pizza on the way home, and didn’t have water in my body to help when my period arrived in the morning.

Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea

How To Prevent Your Monthly CrampsI wonder if you feel the same way I do, but just having a cup of warm tea helps me feel relaxed and cozy. Raspberry leaf tea contains a wonderful alkaloid, fragarine, which reduces cramps by both relaxing and toning the uterus. I suggest drinking this tea the last two weeks of your cycle, so start after ovulation and continue until your period ends.

Add In Some Magnesium

Not only is magnesium the anti-stress mineral and helps you stay calmer and get a better night’s sleep, it’s also very effective in preventing period pain and helping reduce cramps if you get them. I suggest either a spray for the bottom of your feet to use every single night or use this powder every evening as well.

Take Fish Oil

Studies have shown how effective adding in fish oil is to improve period pain. Fish oil helps to lower inflammation and a Dutch study showed that women who took the fish oil had less period pain than women who took the placebo. If you want to try the brand I use you can use code KBR50 to get 50% off and free shipping.

Get Some Acupuncture

I receive acupuncture monthly but sometimes I go in between my monthly session to help with my hormones. Don’t be nervous, I hate needles ( I almost pass out every time I get blood drawn) but this just feels like the edge of your nail on your skin for a brief moment. Acupuncture can really calm your central nervous system which is great for stress relief but it can relieve symptoms ranging from pain to mood by helping to balance out the brain’s hormone-regulator, the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. It also increases endorphin release to minimize pain and improve PMS symptoms including irritability and mood swings.

Give your body a few months to regulate, but you will probably see changes during your next period if you start making some of these changes today. Have questions or need a more personalized approach? You can email me today to schedule a time for us to chat.

My waitlist is officially open for the next round of my Happy Healthy Hormones Bootcamp starting in the spring. If you missed us in January and want to fix your hormones for good let me know!

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