A Love Letter To Your Body

A Love Letter To Your Body

A Love Letter To Your Body When I was thirty-two years old I wrote my first love letter to my body. 

I had already completely changed my lifestyle. I had a daily yoga practice, I was in a loving relationship with my now husband, I was eating foods that supported my body, I even learned how to cook some easy and yummy meals, BUT I still found my inner mean girl coming out to play more often than I would have liked.

It was difficult for me to take a compliment, I disliked the way my butt looked in jeans and I found myself comparing where I was in my life to others. Now when I look at photos of myself, I can’t believe I ever thought the way I did.

One way that helped me heal this relationship with those mean thoughts about my body was writing love notes to myself. I knew that I needed to quiet the inner mean girl for good, because I had more important things to do with my time and energy!

When we are so focused on what we don’t like about ourselves, it takes us away from our present life. This could be stopping you from going after a promotion at work, volunteering for a cause close to your heart, or eating healthy. When we can liberate ourself from our inner mean girl, that is when we can fall in love with ourselves, and do important work in this world – the world needs healthy women right now!

This Valentine’s Day, I invite you to write a love letter to yourself. Take some time to reflect on what your body does for you every single day. Be loving and forgive yourself for any mean thoughts you have had about your body. I know this might feel uncomfortable and maybe even a bit scary, but give yourself permission to try something new and loving for yourself today.

The beginning of my love letter looks like this…

Dear Katie,

Thank you so much for everything you do for me. I know that I may have not always been kind. I know that I’ve talked way too much about my butt and how I don’t like it. BUT I’m so grateful  for you. You help me breathe, digest my food, hold yoga poses and give hugs to people I love.

If you’d like to explore this idea of loving and supporting your body more, be sure to join me for my webinar where I go more in depth about all the ways you can create your healthiest body and mind right now. You can join us here.   If the time doesn’t work for you, sign up anyways and I will send you a replay of the webinar!

Big Hugs & Health,


Free Women

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