Slow Down To Feel Nourished In Your Body

IMG_3326Have you ever found yourself coming home after a busy day of work standing at your kitchen counter just shoveling food into your mouth? It’s that you are just so hungry that if you don’t eat right away you feel like you might pass out and you feel very hangry! (hungry + angry = hangry 😉 )

Whenever I get caught up in a busy day I really have to make an effort to remind myself to slow down and actually chew my food so that I feel nourished instead of stuffed. When I worked in NYC I always ate lunch at my desk as I responded to emails. I was also starving just a few hours later so I would then eat a snack at my desk. I was seriously eating more meals at my desk than I was anywhere else! When I started to eat breakfast at home, lunch away from my desk, I found myself feeling more satisfied, less bloated and happier with my body.

During my health coaching sessions I spend a lot of time with women creating a more sacred time and space to actually taste and enjoy their meals. My clients share with me that this is one of the turning points in their relationship with food and their body. This is when they discover what it means to them to eat to nourish their bodies and how to feel satisfied and not full. Today I’m sharing with you a few tips to help you feel more nourished and satisfied with your plate.

Please Remember To Eat

When we get busy the first thing we forget is how to nourish our bodies; we can sit on the computer and reply to emails but we forget to drink water and nourish our body with food. If you find yourself to busy to eat, please create calendar reminders letting you know it is time to eat. The number one reason women can’t lose weight is because we are stressed out and busy so let’s be kind to our bodies by remembering to eat.

Slow Down To Weigh Less

Our days are full of busy tasks that really don’t feel at all nourishing; responding to emails, commuting to our jobs, even when we move our bodies we tend to want to move fast only to exhaust ourselves. We live in a fast paced society and I honestly don’t see that changing anytime soon. What we can change is the way we show up for ourselves. I encourage you to create time for you to actually enjoy your meal.

The average person eats an entire meal in less than five minutes. The faster we eat, the more we tend to eat, the more bloated we become and so often we don’t even remember if we enjoyed our meal. Try chewing your food before swallowing it, I know this sounds silly but how many times are you chewing your food to actually taste it.

mindfully eat


Create A Beautiful Space

Eat on your fancy plates, buy flowers, light a candle, turn on your favorite music and sit down! Just like you take time to take a shower, create time for meals. Give yourself at least 20-25 minutes for each meal especially on your busiest days. Whatever your soul desires, feed it! If you are craving breakfast food at dinner time make yourself an omelet. Please eat at your kitchen or dining room table without the television on. I know that when I’m in front of my TV, I eat way more than my body can handle and often times I forget how much food I actually ate.

I encourage you to try these simple adjustments and see how your body feels when you take time to slow down and enjoy your food. What is your favorite way to enjoy your meals? Please share with us below!



Big Hugs & Health,


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  • jessie

    Thank you Katie I had a friend tell me she watches T.V and eats and I was thinking I might do that but your idea to have a meal at the table sounds more smart. I like the idea to give myself time to eatReplyCancel

    • katieb

      Jessie, let me know how your body feels when you are slowing down. I’d be curious to hear if you notice a difference!ReplyCancel

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