

“Before I worked with Katie, I was feeling out of control. I was not eating well and didn’t move my body. With Katie’s support I have learned a lot about myself and am on the road to being a happier, healthier person that feels like she is in tune with her body. I’ve also learned to say no when I need to and now recognize and validate who I am as a person which is helping me make me a priority.” 

~ Dara Kaplan


linda-baffa-132x150“Katie B. essentially brought an increase of good, pure, natural foods into my life, helping to increase and sustain my energy levels, as well as lessen my sugar cravings. Even though I have always tried to eat healthy, I have also always allowed myself to eat whatever I want, and give in to cravings. By nature, I’m an indulgent lover of ALL food – good and bad! Working with Katie however, I learned that my diet was missing some essential whole foods, super foods, and greens. When Katie had me consciously eating greens 2-3 times a day, my sugar cravings shifted and my energy levels increased (which is something I really needed to shift!).I now crave spinach at breakfast! And, if I don’t have a delicious whole fruit, flax/chia/maca-filled green smoothie once a day, my life feels incomplete! I also love that while Katie encouraged me to bring good, pure foods into my life, she didn’t force me to exclude my guilty pleasures. She made me feel OK if I had something less healthy, here and there, like sugar or wine. She told me it is all about balance and to not feel bad if I want to indulge. Thanks to her, my diet is at 80/20: 80 percent is delicious and pure and 20 percent is delicious and decadent! It is a perfect balance for my life. Lastly, I just want to add that Katie is an amazing listener, and very attentive. I really felt so supported the whole time we worked together.  

~ Linda Baffa

melissa morris“While working with Katie, I learned to incorporate new and more nutritious foods into my diet, such has quinoa and green smoothies. She also gave me healthier recipe options and taught me new cooking strategies. Katie even has healthy dessert choices too! I am happy with the changes I have made so far, and feel like I have the tools I need to maintain healthy eating habits during my recovery from surgery. Thanks Katie!”

~ Melissa Morris



Katie is a wonderful wealth of knowledge. She has a really sweet relatable way of getting to the basics and learning to love yourself from the inside out. What a joy!

~ Chelsea Rothert


“When I met Katie I was overwhelmed with food sensitivity results and couldn’t figure out what to eat. She helped me change my attitude about the food and gave me option that reduced my anxiety about removing my favorite gluten and dairy comfort foods. After a few weeks I immediately felt more energy, was sleeping better, had less hair loss — symptoms that I had not even recognized before we began. Now I’m also empowered each morning to fuel my body with healthy foods that support my body instead of fighting it.”

~Yvonne Elm Hall

“I’ve spent my life – since age 5 – in a constant battle with food. Weight Watchers was my go-to when I felt out of control and it seemed to reel me in. In the last few years that sure fire way failed to pay off and I was feeling pretty desperate and down on myself…food was winning and I was losing. In spite of many amazing things in my life, my sole focus was failure to measure up physically. My call to Katie was prompted by desperation and I was so pleasantly surprised to find an empathic, understanding, non-shaming, and holistic approach to self-care.

The focus was quickly taken off the scale and the traditional measure of success that accompanies other food programs – the focus turned to how I feel, what is happening in my body, and noticing/naming the feelings. One of the many weight watcher slogans was “if hunger isn’t the problem, food isn’t the solution”…that was sort of a reductionist way of looking at things because we hunger for so many things in life, and I think most of us are conditioned to ‘feed’ hunger.
In turning to foods that are healthy, whole and unprocessed I found I was nourishing and nurturing my body instead of just feeding it. Once the food cravings were gone, I could start to understand how I conflated emotional craving with food craving. I finally saw the futility of searching for a food to satisfy an emotional lack; it doesn’t work! I’m very grateful to invested in myself in this way and believe that this is a sustainable and revitalizing way to live.”

~Kim Smith 

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