Today I am asking you to take a quick moment for some self care. Check in with yourself and see if you have you felt one or maybe all of these body signals in the past thirty days.
Craving Sugar in the form of sweets or bread, Waking Up Feeling Exhausted even though you are sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night and or Constantly Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed even when you feel like you have things under control.
So what do these body signals mean and why should we pay attention to them?
Well, our inner cravings and feelings are our bodies way of showing us what we need. The longer we ignore them the more intense the craving or feeling becomes. Think of it this way, our body whispers until it screams.
If we take a moment to tune in and ask ourselves how we are feeling and what we might be feeling this gives us a better understanding of what we truly need. Sometimes all we need is a little jumpstart to get our body back in balance.
As your health and wellness coach I always try to get to the root cause of what might be making you feel unhealthy. I know that when we truly understand what is causing us to feel tired, stressed and in a state of cravings we can then work towards your healthiest self.
To help you better understand your body signals here are the top three ways our body whispers to us and how we can feed our body so it doesn’t scream in the form of overeating, stress and illness.
Craving sugar…
We crave sweets in the form of chocolate, treats or bread for many different reasons. The sweet sensation of sugar which is a carbohydrate releases the feel good brain chemical serotonin in our body which makes us feel good so that we crave more of it.
Sugar is in almost everything so our body has become used to eating foods that are sweet tasting and our taste buds get used to this sensation. Have you ever noticed that you can have your favorite candy bar one day and the next day it doesn’t seem sweet enough?
The more that we eat sweet foods the more that we will need to feed our addiction and it becomes a very hard cycle to break. I call this sugar addiction the sugar blues – once you eat a sweet food your blood sugar raises making you feel amazing then it drops super fast, making you cranky and exhausted.
This only leaves you craving more sugar so then you feed your body more of it. I know that it might feel like you can’t end this up and down cycle but I have supported many women who have beat those sugar cravings by eating real whole foods.
When we are craving sweets it might also mean that we are missing some essential vitamins and minerals in our bodies. For example when you crave chocolate it might just mean that you are missing iron and magnesium in your body.
By taking time to tune in to our cravings we can understand what we might be missing from our food but also our life. Sometimes we just crave sweets cause we are bored, stressed or even lonely and use sweets to get that happy feeling.. too bad it doesn’t last.
Try adding in some sweet veggies to your diet with carrots or sweet potatoes, drink more water and aim for a least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Waking Up Exhausted…
Have you been waking up only to feel exhausted and run down even after sleeping at least 7 to 8 hours a night? I think most of us have felt this way at one time in our lives.
Perhaps it is because you hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off in the morning and sleep for another 20 to 30 minutes.
The first thing I encourage you to do is to stop snoozing. Instead pick a realistic time that you need to get up in the morning and wake up then. Snoozing only makes us more tired because we are no longer in deep sleep where our body truly rests. I know that is is a hard habit to break but give it a try.
Also look back at the food you had the day or night before. Often times we are eating foods that might not be the best for our body or even eating the foods out of order and only depleting our energy instead of giving our body energy.
I would encourage you to start a journal to track what you really are eating, verses what you think you are eating and drinking! This would be the first step to getting a better nights sleep.
Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed…
Did you know that certain foods actually cause our body to feel stressed and overwhelmed? Many of the processed foods have ingredients that cause our body to become off balance and cause stress internally by creating an imbalance of our hormones.
To much sugar, wheat and dairy can cause our body to create inflammation which actually causes stress. My balance your body in 28 days program is dairy free, sugar free and gluten free to help jumpstart your body so you can have better digestion, a clearer mind and feel more in tune with your body.
If you are feeling a little overwhelmed reading this post, just know that it is okay if you have felt one or many of these feelings in the past 30 days or more.
What your body is showing you, is that you need a little healthy jumpstart to get your body back in balance so you are not craving sugar or salt, so that you have constant energy all day and so that you can handle whatever it is that is going on in your life.
My program, Balance Your Body in 28 Days, which launches on Monday, September 9th will take you from feeling bloated and exhausted to doubling your energy and making it simple to eat delicious & nutritious foods.