3 Ways To Transform Your Health


I had such a fun time at my New Year New Food chat at The Green Yogi on Sunday. For all of you who couldn’t make it, I wanted to include you on some of the New Year, New You ideas I introduced to the group. Below is a quick recap of the chat and how you can start transforming your diet and health in this year.

1. Read Labels

I know reading labels can be daunting, especially since we are so busy and generally buy the same items at the store. This year, make an effort to understand what is really in your food. If you are buying fruits and veggies then you won’t need to read labels, but if you purchase anything in a package here are a few quick tips.

    • If it has more than five ingredients, please pass. After five ingredients companies start adding in chemicals and artificial flavors and colors.
    • If there is something on the label that you can’t pronounce, please pass. These ingredients are made in a lab not on a farm and are not the best for our health.
      • Companies add sugar to everything, so if it has sugar on the label see if there is a healthier alternative to purchase instead.

2. Cravings

Cravings are our bodies ways of letting us know what we are missing from our diet. This year spend some time connecting and listening to your body. We practice this a lot in yoga by connecting our breath to our movement. Once you leave the yoga studio continue to stay connected to your body and pay close attention to your body’s inner voice. If you are constantly craving something specific let’s take a look at what you have been eating so we can understand what your body is asking for. Using a food journal is a good way to start keeping track of your cravings.

3. Add Spices

I love spices and fresh herbs when I am cooking. They are a quick and easy way to spice up your plate. If you are cravings sweets, add cinnamon to your oatmeal. Cinnamon is sweet without any sugar. It helps detox our body and keep us warm. One of my new favorite spices, Turmeric, is perfect for yogis. It helps improve digestion, promotes radiant skin, supports healthy joints and our immune system. One of the dishes I love to make is quinoa with cashews, raisins with turmeric and cumin as seasoning. Perfect for these colder days we have been having.

As you transition into a healthier lifestyle this year please be kind, patient and loving to yourself. Your end goal is creating a healthier lifestyle without being on a diet, without feeling deprived and this takes time.

Looking for support this year? Schedule your complimentary discovery health session today by emailing me at Katie@balanced-beings.com

Big Hugs & Health,


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