5 Simple Fatigue Fighters

Simple Fatigue Fighters Does this sound like you? You get at least 7-8 hours a sleep a night… You eat pretty healthy,  most of the time, and move your body but still feel exhausted? There might be some underlying reason why your body feels so tired and the best thing to do is stop and tune into your body to see if it is your lifestyle, your diet or maybe both so we can figure out how to get your energy levels up so your body can thrive.

Does your current lifestyle leave you feeling stressed a lot during your day? There are many reasons why we feel stressed – stuck in LA traffic, your career, your family, your own pressures you put on you or maybe you are going through a very emotional time in your life.

Whatever it might be, stress causes our body to become unbalanced. When our body is going through a stressful situation our adrenal glands pump out cortisol to help us deal with whatever might be going on. Since we live in a very fast paced society our adrenal glands are always on constant call. When that happens it puts a lot of stress on our adrenals and causes adrenal fatigue. Everyone, even healthy people can experience adrenal fatigue. If we take time to slow down, get more sleep, eat a clean diet and reduce the stress in our lives we can heal ourselves. If we avoid our feelings and keep going at this fast pace then we could end up getting sick.

Stress also causes our gut, our second brain to become unbalanced. When someone says listen to your gut, they are really saying listen to your second brain. Whenever I go with my gut instinct, it is always right. Have you noticed that when you don’t pay enough attention to your gut, that is why you steer yourself in the wrong direction?

Well our gut has the same amount of nerves as our spinal cord and is responsible for our digestion. When we are stressed it causes a lot of imbalance in our gut. Pay attention to the next time you are in a stressful situation, notice if your digestion starts to act up.

Another reason why you are so tired is that your gut might be out of balance. To many wheat and gluten products put a lot of stress on our gut and create an imbalance and cause our body to feel very tired. Just by reducing the amount of wheat and gluten you eat you can increase your energy levels. Reducing this and also adding in a probiotic will help balance your body out and increase your energy levels.

Take a moment to tune into your body, is stress causing your adrenal glands to become fatigued or is stress causing your gut to become unbalanced? Some very important questions to think about as you start to tune into your body.

Here are FIVE ways you can INSTANTLY boost your energy and mood right now to help your body thrive!

Do Not Skip Meals 

This might seem very obvious but when you start to get busy, and stress starts creeping into your body the first thing you do is forget to eat. If you wake up late then you rush to get to work on time you tend to forget to eat breakfast. Your body needs energy to move and perform, without food you are already putting your body in a state of de-stress. Try to eat within an hour of waking. Skipping breakfast and other meals during the day will make you ravenous when you get home from a long day. You might find yourself overeating or as I call it “attack your fridge” and eat way too much food.. only leaving you more tired!

Eat Light To Heavy  

This is a tremendously important part of ongoing energy throughout the day. If you eat heavy foods first, your body struggles to digest them and other foods get trapped behind. The result is that your body doesn’t absorb ideal amounts of nutrients needed for energy from the foods you eat, and you have to expel tremendous amounts of energy for digestion

The fix is simple. Eating foods light to heavy, both throughout the day and at each meal primes you for optimal digestion. Your body doesn’t have to work as hard to digest the foods you eat, and it is able to maximally absorb nutrients from foods so you have the energy you need.

An example of light to heavy for your noon meal might look like this, start with a green salad. Follow with some quinoa and veggies. Skip the animal products at lunch. Animal proteins (including milk) can rob you of your energy since it is very difficult to digest, so your energy is diverted to the digestive process.

Include Foods with Omega 3’s & Healthy Fats Into Your Diet

Flax seed, Chia Seeds, Brussels Sprouts, Walnuts, salmon are all good ways to get Omega-3’s into your diet. Try including healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados and walnuts to help balance the body and get your hormones back in balance. Try my Simple Delish Energy Balls Recipe 🙂

Add Magnesium To Your Diet

Magnesium is the fuel that makes energy in your body possible – yet over 68% of people are deficient of this crucial mineral. Add some magnesium rich foods into your diet like,  pumpkin seeds, squash, cacao (real chocolate),  flax seeds, sesame seeds, tahini, almonds and cashews.

Take Care of  You From The Inside Out

Add a probiotic into your diet. If you don’t want to take this you can add fermented foods into your diet and or Kombucha. Try acupuncture, this totally helps me balance my body. I go once a month and a session helps give me more energy. Try getting  more sleep by learning to say no… I give you permission to trim your social calendar 🙂 Also try cutting back on caffeine and alcohol. Eating real whole foods, mostly greens really helps increase your energy levels. Check out my 5 day Jump Start which will really help you get back on track. Most importantly be nice to you, most of our daily stress is self inflicted. The kinder we are to ourselves the happier our body feels too.

If you try balancing your body out but still feel exhausted, please reach out to me so we can chat and get to the real reason why you are not feeling your best.

Big Hugs & Health,


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