My Morning Ritual – How A Health Coach Starts Their Day

Board Certified Health Coach The way you start your morning really does set the tone for the rest of your day. The more that I create a calmer morning, the more I believe the truth in that thought.

I have been getting several questions from my clients and my friends lately on how they can create a calmer and healthier morning for themselves.

It seems that the morning is always the most difficult time for us to focus on our health because we are rushing to work, overslept or just wake up too tired to move fast enough.

I am not a morning person, so I can totally relate, but I have been able to change the way I feel in the morning by making my health more of a priority once I wake up.

Here are some ways that I a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and Women’s Health Expert, has supported my own wellness journey… that you can add into your life to feel healthier and more vibrant!

I encourage you to pick one thing that really sounds like something you can add into your life and try that for a few weeks. Always start off slow when you are creating a new healthy habit.

Even though everything I share with you today might seem like a lot – it honestly takes about 30 minutes to do all of these healthy things 🙂

My Morning Ritual – How I created a healthier and calmer start to my day 

  •  I go to bed earlier. There is something awesome about staying up late, I think this started when I was little and had to go to sleep even though I wasn’t tired that makes it feel so good! However, I have noticed that if I am not in bed before midnight then I will be up until 2 a.m. By figuring out what my natural sleep rhythm was I realized that ideally I like to be sleeping by 11 p.m. This doesn’t  happen every night but when I get to sleep earlier, I can get up easier in the morning to practice yoga and feel really connected to my body.

Try experimenting with your natural sleep patterns and keep a sleep tracker in your journal. For a week write down what time you go to sleep, what time you wake up and write down how you feel in the morning.

  • No Snoozing! I have never been a snoozer but my fiancee is. Once the alarm goes off, although I am usually up before it does, I am up and out of bed. I know that if I stay under the covers too long when I finally do wake up, I will feel more tired and less motivated.

Set the alarm for the real time you need to wake up and enjoy your entire night’s sleep. Snoozing only disrupts your natural sleep pattern making you tired instead of rested.

  • Oil Pulling. This is something that I have been doing for the past few months. Once I wake up I oil pull. Oil pulling is a great, natural way to pull the bacteria out of your mouth and gums. It is especially important to do this first thing in the morning before you eat. Oil pulling has been known to reduce cavities and fight off sickness. How to oil pull – I use a teaspoon of Sesame Seed Oil, but you can also use Coconut or Sunflower Oil. I suggest finding an oil that feels the best for you and starting off slow. Swoosh the oil in your mouth. Try it for five minutes, then ten until you work your way up to a full 30 minutes. When you spit out the oil, spit it out in the bathroom sink and then rinse your mouth with warm water and salt for 30 seconds and spit it into the sink. Then brush your teeth. Make sure you also take a moment to clean your sink, you don’t want the bacteria from your mouth lingering in the sink.

What I do is take my shower at the same time I am oil pulling. You could also make your breakfast or pick out your outfit for the day to create a calmer morning. 

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. After I am done with oil pulling I put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a cup with about a 1/2 cup of water. I then take it as a shot.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural way to detox the body and helps get your digestion working in the morning. 

  • Water. I then drink at least one if not two cups of warm water with lemon slices. One of the many reasons we are so tired in the morning is that our bodies are deydrated after sleeping for almost 8 hours.

The best way to add energy into your morning and your day is by drinking tons of water first thing to get your body hydrated. 

  • Gratitude Journal. I take a few moments every morning to write down what I am truly grateful for. This helps me start my day with a smile and a calm mind.

By writing down what you are truly thankful for really sets your day up for nourishment and happiness.  

  • Stretching. When I wake up in the morning sometimes my neck and back ache a little bit.I have always had trouble with being cold and I have found that by moving my body first thing it increases the blood circulation and warms my cold toes and fingers!

I do a few sun salutations and neck stretches to get my body moving!

  • Green Smoothie. I always start my day with a green smoothie. When I know that I am going to have a busier than normal morning, I make my smoothie at night so that I can just grab and go.

I have found that by preparing breakfast at night when we are making dinner makes the morning run so much smoother.

  • If I don’t have an early morning session with a client I also try to move my body even more in the morning. I will go for a nice long walk on the beach or take a yoga class. 
  • Meditation. One of my intentions for the past year was to spend more time in the morning meditating. This has been the one healthy habit that has been the hardest to incorporate  into my life, yet every morning I try and set my intention for the day. I have found that by setting an intention for the day helps me strive towards whatever feeling and energy I would like to have in my day. I am still working on making this into my morning ritual, but we all start somewhere right?

The one intention that I have been enjoying lately is this meditation, I am a abundant in…  (you can say whatever it is that you feel) 

  • Email. After I focus on myself and my health, I then check my phone for text messages, email messages and social media. I wait until I feel calm and energized before diving into work. As a Health Coach, I know that in order to support my clients in the best way possible I need to take care of me first. If the first thing you do is check your phone, you already start your day off feeling rushed and anxious. This is one habit that was difficult to break and when I do look at my phone first thing in the morning it really does change the way I feel all day.

For a week attempt to not check your phone when you first wake up. See how you feel when you are not starting your day feeling rushed and anxious. For an even better night’s sleep keep your phone out of your bedroom. 

I know that you might be thinking that this is a lot to do first thing in the morning, so I encourage you to pick just one thing that you would like to add into your morning routine and try that for a few weeks. Even after all this time I might not get to do everything but my intention is always the same.

After this one new healthy habit that you have chosen seems to work with your schedule, I suggest adding on what feels like the next best healthy morning routine would be and try that for a few weeks. Creating healthy habits takes time so be patient with yourself and honestly see what you enjoy.

Looking for support to create a healthier life? Contact me today!

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Big Hugs & Health, 


Board Certified Holistic Health Coach

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