When we have to much on our plate we often feel frazzled and overwhelmed. Once the stress levels in our body increase rapidly and for an extended period of time we are then exhausted,irritable and cranky.
When I was working in the corporate world,yoga is what really helped calm down my body and mind. It was so beneficial to learn the importance of breath and how to breathe correctly.
Often times when we are stressed and busy, we forget the most important things that are truly essential for the body like water, fresh air and breathing. By drinking more water and going outside for walks you can help reduce your stress and increase your energy levels.
Think about how your job affects your body. Do you feel tense in the shoulders or get headaches often?
Just by incorporating deep breathing you can calm your body and mind down so you can become more focused and productive at work.
Watch my latest Healthy Tip Of The Week Video to learn how you can create instant stress relief!
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Big Hugs & Health,