A Health Coach’s Favorite Wellness Books

I love to read! There is nothing better than a morning on my couch all comfy under my pink fuzzy blanket drinking tea. I usually have about four health and wellness books started, and depending on my mood, I will pick up the book that resonates with me the most in that moment.

When I started my own health and wellness journey I read so many healthy living books, I couldn’t stop learning about how I could feel more energized and healthy.

So many of these ideas inspired me and made such an impact on my life. Today I’m sharing with you a few of my favorite wellness books and the health tip that helped me the most on my own health journey as a Women’s Wellness Coach.

Hope you enjoy some of my favorite reads on my blog today!

The 9 Best Wellness Books According to a Health Coach:   

the hormone cure best wellness bookThe Hormone Cure by Dr. Sara Gottfried 

  • Dr. Sara Gottfried, who also happens to be one of my teachers, wrote this amazing book about how women can become balanced and vibrant instead of frumpy, fat and frazzled by regulating our hormones. When our hormones are not balanced our entire body suffers. An amazing book full of holistic tips to keep our body in balance.

Healthy Tip: Stress is really the number 1 reason our hormones become imbalanced. Learning how to cope and react in a new way really keeps my hormones in check and my mood balanced. Thank goodness for that!

the beauty detox solution wellness bookThe Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder 

  • I have read this book several times and it has truly changed the way that I eat. Kimberly created a healthy living plan that uses food, yoga and self care to help us look and feel beautiful.

Healthy Tip: You can create more energy in your day by eating for energy. Have you ever noticed that when you have a big breakfast you feel tired all day? Our body needs a lot of energy in order to digest food. If we eat smaller meals for breakfast and lunch, like a green smoothie and a big salad and have a bigger dinner and only eat meat at dinner and this will create more energy in our body. Since digestion takes up a lot of energy, if we are eating huge meals that are hard to digest we can actually look older!

superfoods best nutrition bookSuperfoods by David Wolfe 

  • I keep this book in my kitchen and refer to it all of the time when I am cooking and coming up with new healthy recipes for you! David Wolfe is a genius and shares his own experiences with superfoods and all of the amazing health benefits. Before I read this book I thought a superfood was just spinach, now I know there are hundreds of these foods that can create more vibrance and balance in your body

Healthy Tip: This was the first time I realized how much real chocolate can truly benefit your health and hormones. I have added so many superfoods into my diet, check out my video here, and have seen such a huge difference in the way that my body feels.

perfect health deepak chopra health bookPerfect Health by Deepak Chopra 

  • This was one of the very first books I read when I started my health and wellness journey, and why I am so passionate about being a Holistic Health Coach. It was also my first glimpse into Ayurveda and how eating for my body type could help support me.

Healthy Tip: While reading this book, I realized that my body type can’t handle cold foods first thing in the morning when it is cold out. I started eating soups and stews for breakfast while living in NYC, and this made such a difference to my body.

crazy sexy diet best nutrition bookCrazy, Sexy Diet By Kris Carr 

  • Kris Carr is one of the most inspiring woman I have ever known and can’t wait to meet someday. She shares with us all of the ways she has changed her life, with nutrition and most important self life. This is an easy, fun and inspiring read.

Health Tip: While reading this book I realized how often I was saying not to kind things to me about my body and the food choices I was making. Kris Carr is so honest in her writing and walks you through how she helped herself get out of her own way to create a healthier life.

Integrative Nutrition Book for Holistic Healthy LivingIntegrative Nutrition by Joshua Rosenthal 

  • This book CHANGED my life. The founder of my nutrition school, Joshua Rosenthal, wrote this amazing book about nutrition. He focuses a lot on primary foods which are what create our holistic wellness and health. By taking care of your primary foods like movement, self care, relationships and spirituality you can heal your body and make healthier choices.

Healthy Tip: While reading this book I realized how much I wasn’t paying attention to what my body was trying to tell me through cravings, getting sick and feeling stressed. This book helped me realize that I was in control of the way I felt every day and that I could use food, movement,love and self care to help me create a healthier life.

E2 Best Mental Health BookE2 By Pam Grout 

  • Our thoughts are so powerful yet we don’t even realize it. This book explores how we can create our ideal life by changing the way we speak and think. Such a powerful read!

Healthy Tip: There are 7 experiments in this book that actually show you how much your thoughts are creating your reality. I realized how much control I had over my life and just asking for what I want was the first step in creating my ideal life. I highly recommend this book!

may cause miracles gabrielle bernstein book for wellnessMay Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein 

  • I  had been wanted to read this book for a while and I am so grateful that I took the time over the holidays to start. This is an amazing book on how to use our inner guidance to feel better about our lives by choosing love over fear in all areas of our lives.

Healthy Tip: I realized when reading this book how much fear was creeping into my ego. Now whenever I am feeling not so good about a situation I remind myself to choose love over fear and I can feel the bad energy melting away.

the secret book for the law of attractionThe Secret by Rhonda Byrne 

  • I worked at Simon & Schuster when this book was published. They gave everyone in the office a copy of the book and it was the first time the idea of putting out to the universe what you were wanting and how it would come back to you. It was a great step in showing me what I truly wanted in my life

Healthy Tip: By creating a vision board or just writing down what you want is one of the best ways to actually get what you want out of this amazing life. If you haven’t done a vision board, I encourage you to make one. I do one every year and things come true all of the time!

What I am reading now... Clean by Dr. Junger & The Blood Sugar Solution! Remind me to share with you my thoughts when I am done.

Do you have any favorite health and wellness books? Please share with us below so we can all read your favorite book! 

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Big Hugs & Health,


Board Certified Holistic Health Coach

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