What’s Up With Gluten?

What“What is Gluten?”, “Should I go Gluten-free?”, “What about those Gluten-free cookies?” are just a few of the Gluten related questions I’ve received over the last few weeks.

Perhaps it was the Jimmy Kimmel video that has made it’s rounds on social media. You should check out the video if you haven’t already, it’s pretty funny! Kimmel went around Los Angeles asking people on the street, What Is Gluten?

Right now, gluten-free diets are a hot topic, and there seems to be some confusion about whether or not this diet is for you.

So let’s start by explaining what Gluten is. Gluten is a form of protein found in wheat, rye, barley and many processed foods.

Some of us have Celiac Disease, which means we can never eat anything with gluten. This is a genetic condition which is “activated” when we experience some sort of trauma in our lives such as stress, surgery or a viral infection. This is why some of us could have Celiac for years without even knowing it.

Even if you don’t have Celiac Disease, your body might be still be sensitive to gluten. About 30 to 40 percent of Americans have some sort of sensitivity to gluten. If you have a sensitivity to gluten you might experience headaches, painful digestion, joint pain, anxiety or depression after eating gluten. Gluten is also one of the main reasons why many of us can’t lose weight.

If you have been experiencing pain in your body and can’t figure out what it might be, gluten might be causing it. The best way to understand if your body is sensitive to gluten is to do a food experiment with a health coach like me, who can support and guide you to help create your own personalized health and wellness plan.

I am not suggesting that all of us stop eating breads, cookies and pasta, but I am encouraging us to eat higher quality foods and less processed foods that contain gluten.

Since gluten is in just about everything we eat, our bodies have become sensitive to it. Over time, the more that we consume foods with gluten in them the more we become sensitive to it.

With a large percentage of the population now becoming more sensitive to gluten, there has been a steady increase of gluten-free products on the market.

I always say, be smarter than the marketer, and in this case it is very important to remember this. They are coloring the packaging of all healthy products on the grocery shelves either a tan, light brown, orange or green color to trick us into thinking that these products are better for us.

We must remember to read labels and be on the lookout for gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, and corn since these are often the main culprits disrupting our body. Since gluten is not expensive to produce, it is now a filler that is added to everything to make the product more cost effective.

Gluten is in nearly everything; everyday staples such as breads, pastas, cookies, muffins, pizza, and pancakes but interestingly enough, it can also be hiding in your toothpaste, salad dressings and alcohol.

To help your body feel more energetic, calm and balanced here are my top three gluten free suggestions so you can thrive in your body.

Eat Real Whole Foods 

I know I say this a lot, but please keep avoiding processed foods, including gum, protein bars and crackers. Opt for a diet full of greens, fresh fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, fish, whole grains like quinoa and brown rice, which don’t have gluten in them. I guarantee that your body will be more nourished, satisfied and calm.

Avoid Gluten-Free Products 

Most of the gluten-free products on the market are actually worse than the original food. Many of the gluten-free breads, cookies and cakes have more sugar and other additives than regular bread, cookies and cakes.

I encourage you to avoid the gluten-free products and make some healthy substitutes instead (please see below). Many of the women who start to work with me tell me in our health discovery session that they have switched to a gluten-free diet but can’t seem to stop eating their new obsession, gluten-free cookies. The irony is that they were never even eating that many cookies in the first place and are now buying gluten-free cookies every week.

Some Healthy Substitutes 

  • Quinoa Pasta, quinoa, spaghetti squash, zucchini squash instead of pasta or couscous
  • Fruit, Chia Seed Pudding, Raw Chocolate Macaroons, homemade cookies with almond of coconut flour, instead of gluten-free cookies or cakes 
  • Brown rice wraps or large leaves of romaine lettuce instead of tortillas or bread

If you have been experiencing low energy, digestion issues, acne and are unable to lose weight and would like some support with your diet and lifestyle please contact me today for a session.

Big Hugs & Health, 


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