After All Those Tears, I Finally Figured This Out

Sharing my personal journey with my hormones today because after all those tears, I finally figured this out by balancing my hormones with food. 

You might now know this (I didn’t for a long time), but your hormones regulate everything that happens in your body.

When your hormones are balanced, they all work together like a good team. But when something is off, communication starts to slow down and this is when you begin to experience fatigue, moodiness, weight gain, breakouts, irregular or heavy periods.

Growing up, I really only noticed my hormones the day my period arrived – it was only then that I knew all those tears and crazy mood swings from the day before were hormonal.

All of a sudden, I skipped a period one month back in my late 20’s. I wasn’t pregnant, I was just super stressed out from traveling for my job and it just never came. But the following month it was back with a vengeance!

But to be super transparent with you – I only really started paying attention to my hormones when I was planning my wedding!

See, I really thought I was supporting my body in the best way possible, but everything I had been doing up until then just stopped working. All of the yoga in the world didn’t help me when my 28-day cycle became a 25-day cycle and I become more exhausted and teary. If you ask my husband, I was a bit of a hot mess at home for a short while.

I knew I needed to make some small shifts so I could feel that calm and energizing feeling I had before we got engaged. SO, I started eating for my hormones! Which looked a lot like adding in a ton of healthy fats, eating more protein especially at breakfast and remembering to eat lunch. (I was so busy building my business that I often forgot lunch.) Slowly my body came back into balance. Guess what the first thing is that I noticed? I was way less irritable with my hubby!

Not sure if it’s your hormones? Here are some typical symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  • Tired most of the time, no matter how much sleep you may be getting
  • That time of the month is full of cramps, bloating and breakouts, plus a few tears and fights with your partner
  • Waking up in the middle of the night is your normal, you can’t remember the last quality sleep you got
  • By now you thought you wouldn’t have to worry about pimples anymore
  • Not sure where you left your keys
  • Hungry all of the time and have tons of cravings
  • Super bloated and can’t seem to lose those last five pounds
  • Feel like you are eating “healthy” but you are not feeling energized or calm
  • Everything and everyone bothers you that time of the month or more often than before

What we eat has a direct effect on the health of our hormones, and our hormones determine our mood, energy and how we feel every single day.

If you are looking to feel better in your body this year, let’s chat. My waitlist for my Happy Healthy Hormones bootcamp is now open! If you think you’d be a good fit let’s find a time to speak. If you sign up by March 5th the five week group program is $297. After March 5th it’s $397. We start March 26th.

I also understand that you might need more one-on-one personalized attention so I am also taking a few new private clients in March. If you’d like to find a time to speak with me and see how I can support you with your health and wellness you can find a time on my calendar.

Trust me, starting with your health and making improvements to your diet will make all of the difference in the world with how you are feeling right now.

If you are wondering if I can help you, I support women with nutrition and wellness counseling who are experiencing:

  • Hormonal imbalances such as painful periods, PCOS, (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), heavy periods, irregular periods, amenorrhea and thyroid imbalances
  • Pregnancy. I help women prepare their body for pregnancy and support women throughout their pregnancy and postnatal
  • Transitioning through peri-menopause and menopause
  • Sugar cravings, major mood swings, exhaustion and anxiety
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, stomach pain and constipation
  • Post pill weight gain, breakouts, moodiness and helping get your hormones back after being on any birth control
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