Avoid Getting Sick This Year

Stay Healthy This Fall Avoid Getting Sick This Year

I’d say that Fall is officially here!  The temperature in Los Angeles last week went from 90 degrees on Sunday to the high 50’s at night, and I went from swimming in the ocean on Sunday to wearing a fall jacket by Tuesday.

I have noticed that since living out west, I am not as aware of all the seasons since they seem to blend together. Not like being in New England, where once Labor Day arrives the air starts to provide a constant cool breeze and the leaves turn that beautiful array of red, orange and yellow.

Last week I was feeling tired and a little unmotivated to move my body. I still went to yoga and for walks but not with the same excitement that I usually have. It seems like I wasn’t the only one feeling off last week. Many of you reached out to let me know that you were feeling more tired than usual and asked for some health advice.

When the seasons change our bodies need time to adjust. It becomes very important to listen to our bodies so you can stay healthy and avoid getting sick.

I used to get sick every single time the seasons changed, but now that I incorporate more nutrition and wellness into my life I no longer catch the fall or spring cold. Not to say that I never get sick, but I get sick less often.

Today I am sharing with you the simple nutrition and lifestyle changes I made to my life that keep my immune system healthy, so that you can stay healthy and avoid getting sick this year.


  • Most of us are so busy with our schedules that we don’t notice when our body is craving more rest because we are just used to feeling tired during our day. Trust me, I used to feel like the energizer bunny running from one thing to another and then on Saturday mornings I felt like I had been hit by a truck I was so exhausted. I encourage you to get more sleep. Aim for at least 8 hours and most importantly wind down at least two hours before you plan on falling asleep. You can do this by turning off all electronics and take time to read, write and relax.


Two of the most important supplements to keep your immune system healthy so you can avoid getting sick this year are a high quality probiotic and fish oil.

  • Probiotics – Our gut is often called our second brain, there are more nerve endings in our gut than in our spinal cord and keeping our bellies happy and healthy is the best way to avoid getting sick.Probiotics are good bacteria and when they are abundant in your body, it’s harder for bacteria that cause illness to get a foothold. I recommend adding in a probiotic with at least 20-25 billion (not millions!) of CFUs (colony forming units). I use Life Equals (you can try it with code KBR50), but I also like Garden Of Life. If you have questions about probiotics you can contact me anytime!
  • Fish Oil – The Standard American Diet aka “SAD” is full of foods that cause inflammation due to our high intake of processed foods. Our bodies are usually only getting Omega-6’s and Omega 9’s and we really need tons of Omega-3’s. By adding in some very healthy omega-3’s to our diet like Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Walnuts and Salmon you can help reduce the inflammation in your body. A high quality fish oil helps to keep your body in balance and your immune system healthy. A high quality fish oil also helps support your hormones and  improve your mood. So when you notice that you are feeling stressed or perhaps a little  depressed once the days are getting shorter  this winter this high quality fish oil can really make all of the difference and keep you from getting sick this year. I use Life Equals and Nordic Naturals.

Seasonal Foods

  • I love fall foods so much because they are super warm and nourishing to my body. Once the tempertature drop, I crave warm stews and squashes. Eating with the seasons is a way to keep the body in balance and the immune system healthy. Try adding in some of these delicious fall foods like apples, beets, grapes, brussels sprouts, squashes and sweet potatoes. These foods are a natural and healthy way to help your body stay healthy this year.

Just Say No To Sugar 

  • When your immune system is low your body will start to crave sugar. If you give your body too much sugar it actually weakens your immune system and is the number one reason why you will get sick this year. Try avoiding all sugars and only use honey or maple syrup in your holiday baking. You will keep the inflammation in your body down and your immune system super healthy. I know that many of us are addicted to sugar and I have an entire Sugar Detox program available to help you kick those sugar cravings to the curb for good. Contact me if you have any questions!

Reduce Stress

  • When we are stressed with our jobs or our lifestyles it actually weakens our immune system causing us to get sick. Sometimes we get a cold or flu but if we continue to have too much stress in our lives we can actually create a hormonal imbalance and even get adrenal fatigue. It is really important to take care of ourselves both mentally and physically so that we keep our body super healthy. 
Listen Then Move
  • Sometimes our body just needs a break. If you have been moving your body a lot and then all of a sudden one day you are so exhausted that the thought of movement is like going to work, take a day off and rest. If you haven’t been moving your body a lot, going to a yoga class or taking a calming walk might be the right fix to get your hormones back in balance and support your immune system so you can avoid getting sick.

As always, each one of us needs different food and movement to feel nourished. Take time to really listen to your body, especially now that the seasons are changing so that you can have the healthiest fall and winter ever.

If you have tried all of these healthy tips and are still not feeling healthy and energized, let’s chat so we can find the root cause of what is really making you not feel super healthy.

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Big Hugs & Health, 


Board Certified Holistic Health Coach




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