Back In Balance Tips

gymnast_on_balance_beam_mega_hoop_design_150x150Being in Balance means different things for everyone. Take a moment to close your eyes and clear your thoughts. Take a few deep breathes in and out of your mouth, sigh it out. Let everything go. Clear your mind.

Now keeping your eyes closed, think about how you would like to be less stressed? What are your trigger points that make you feel anxious. Sigh it out and let it go. Roll your shoulders back, release any tension that might be there.

Now think about what makes you feel happy and relaxed. How can you do that one thing every day? Do you need to schedule time in your calendar for it? I schedule Katie time every day.

Here are a few quick tips to help you have more balance in your life.

1. Find time every day for YOU

2. Notice what makes you happy. Then do it more!

3. Love Your Body. Love Your Body. Love Your Body. (Repeat out loud)

4. Exercise = Happiness. What is your favorite way to move your body? Find it and do it often

5. Let go of things that are no longer making you feel happy and satisfied

My Personal Favorite….

6. Give yourself permission to relax!!

Big Hugs,


What is your favorite way to find balance in your life? Share with us! 


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