How I Became A Health Coach

Board Certified Holistic Health Coach Katie Bressack  “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” ~Steve Jobs

I had been a career woman working in digital ad sales for several years in New York City. The last place I worked was not the right fit for me, and I kept asking the universe for a sign and to show me what I should do with my life.

Then one day it did.

On a Monday in October my boss asked me into his office and told me he was letting me go. I cried and then breathed a huge sigh of relief. I was so thankful that I didn’t have to spend any more time in that office.

Be very careful about what you ask from the Universe, because you will get it! 

After much thought and endless discussions with family and friends, I decided to no longer pursue my career in digital ad sales. Taking clients out almost every night for dinners & drinks and selling ad space to advertisers like Coke was definitely not my life calling.

I had been calling (aka stalking) my nutrition school, Institute of Integrative Nutrition, for two years every couple of months to ask about the school and their program.

I had a dream of becoming a Nutrition and Wellness Coach, of owning my own business and supporting women through health and wellness.

As a yoga teacher, I always had so many questions from my students about health and wellness. I always shared my journey, how I cured myself my sinus infections with a Neti Pot, how acupuncture treated aches and pains from the cold weather and how food no longer made my stomach upset!

So many of these women who took my advice were also starting to feel healthier and better in their bodies. I just knew that I had to share this information with everyone! I decided that if I didn’t do it now, I might never do it. It was in this moment that I was more afraid of things staying the same than of taking a risk.

Deciding to become a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach was the best decision of my life. 

The past three years have been the most simultaneously liberating, scary and fun experience of my life but also the most rewarding.

In the past three years I have left the corporate world to follow my passion, fell madly in love and just married the love of my life a few weeks ago, moved to California and grew a business that I am proud of.

Trust me, this was not done without support!

When I arrived in California I felt lost and alone. I didn’t know anyone but Jim and my brother and had no idea how to start my business all over again.

I found a coach who has been so supportive over the past two years and I am so thankful for her endless advice and for her helping me get out of my own way.

As a recovering perfectionist, I’m pretty sure that I had lived in a state of fear for most of my life. What if I don’t have enough money? What If I am not good enough? What if I don’t succeed, oh my goodness what will people think of me? But once I decided to make myself a priority and do what felt right, that is when everything in my life became unstuck and everything fell into place.

I am one lucky person to have been able to create my dream life and career. I am so fortunate to support my clients so they can create healthier and more vibrant lifestyles for themselves and their loved ones. When I support my clients, we work on adding movement into their life, we look to see if their food choices are working for or against them, we decrease stress levels and work on hormonal balance.

But more importantly, we spend time learning how to not torture ourselves. We throw away the scale, we don’t try on clothes that we know won’t fit, we write love notes to ourselves and we set boundaries in our lives so that we make sure that we are our number one priority.

Together we create a life that we are excited to live every single day.I know from experience that when I took care of my health by sleeping more, drinking less, eating healthier food, saying goodbye to Ben & Jerry, when I followed my passion, when I let go of fear – is what made all of the difference in my life.All it takes is just one small decision that your health is worth it! What mini step can you take today towards your health and wellness?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or please reach out and email me anytime.

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Big Hugs & Health,
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