Spring Allergy Relief

photo-22I was back east for my birthday last week visiting family and friends, it was definitly the best birthday to date!

At my parent’s house in New Hampshire my mom’s flowers were slowing starting to bloom. I love Spring but when I lived back east it sometimes felt a little bittersweet with my horrible Spring allergies. I tried every over the counter allergy med but nothing ever seemed to work except sitting in my house with the windows shut with the sun teasing me!

When I changed my diet over four years ago my allergies improved. Not 100% gone but way more manageable.

Today I am sharing with you three things I did to help my Spring allergies…



  • Local raw honey can help our immune system fight off allergies. Start adding in a little bit of honey into your green tea now. The sooner we can start putting honey into our bodies before Spring is here in full bloom the more we can prevent allergies from bringing us down!

Neti Pot

  • When pollen from trees and flowers enter our nose it actually gets stuck in our sinuses and causes us to sneeze and have watery eyes. By flushing out our sinuses with a Neti Pot we can keep the sneezing at bay.


  • Food is our best medicine! Try adding broccoli, citrus fruits, collard greens, and kale into your diet. They are full of essential nutrients that can help your body cope with allergy season.
If you are sick of sneezing and watery eyes every Spring let’s chat. Email me today for a complimentary health discovery session to help get your body ready and in balance for Spring.

Big Hugs & Health,

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