How To Eat Healthy At Work

salad_in_mason_jar_150x200You can eat healthy at work!

Many of you might have attempted to bring salad to work for lunch (Kudos to You!) instead of running out to buy lunch every day.

The thing with salad is if you leave it in the fridge in a plastic container in the morning, by the time you bring it out of the fridge for lunch the lettuce and spinach is soggy.

I know you don’t want to eat a soggy lunch! 

Here is a quick and easy way to keep that salad fresh and delicious for days! The magic trick is mason jars. These glass jars are very inexpensive and can be found at target or any kitchen store.

In less than five minutes you can have lunch for the entire week!

We are all busy so just take five minutes on Sunday night to wash, cut and toss your favorite veggies into the mason jars.

I like having carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes and avocado. The top layer can be spinach, kale and mixed greens. Maybe toss in some sesame seeds or kidney beans and then seal the jars tight. I suggest bringing your favorite salad dressing and leaving it in the fridge at work.

The money you save on buying lunch can go towards a vacation fund or anything else your heart desires. 


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