Are you always forgetting your keys when you leave your house? I used to be the worst! It was a running joke in my family that every time I left the house I would be back in a few minutes later. My parents always thought it was because I had to much on my mind but what I have discovered over the years is that my diet was the cause of my poor memory.
Last week on my monthly women’s health call we were discussing hormones and signs of hormonal imbalance and one of the signs is poor memory. When we start to forget things it can be a sign of a sluggish thyroid. Other signs of a low thyroid which also means our metabolism has slowed down is feeling sluggish, a puffy face, high cholesterol and excessive menstrual bleeding.
The health of our thyroid is so important. The thyroid keeps us feeling energized, upbeat, our weight is easier to manage and our body temperature is more balanced. The thyroid is the largest of the endocrine glands which secretes hormones that regulate the activities of almost every cell in our body. It controls the body’s sensitivity to other hormones such as estrogen and cortisol and it regulates how quickly we burn calories and maintain our metabolism.
Today I’m sharing three ways you can support your thyroid and this Sunday I hope you will join me for my Reset Your Metabolism workshop with Wendy Garafalo. We will be guiding you through a yoga class to help stimulate your thyroid and aid in digestion as well as introduce foods into your diet that will help to reset your metabolism. Here is the link with more info and to join us!
Sleep More, Stress Less and Reduce Sugar
I like to call them the 3’s – Sugar, Stress and Lack of Sleep and we must pay close attention to how much these play a part of our life. When are are stressed for way to long it throws off the delicate balance of our hormones in our body. When we are stressed it causes our body to crave sugar for energy, and then we are in constant need of coffee and sugar to just get by. When we consume to much coffee and sugar this leads to poor and restless sleep. We can’t maintain our metabolism if we are not getting our beauty rest. When we are not sleeping enough it causes glucose to be stored as fat not energy in our body. If we are not sleeping enough ghrelin the hormone that increases our appetite increases while the hormone leptin which lets us know we will are satisfied decreases. Over time this can cause more imbalance in our metabolism and weight gain. So moral of this story ladies is to please sleep more, eat less sugar and create more calmness in your day.
Eat More Fats
Once you are feeling like you are sleeping better, eating less sugar and stressing way less the next step to creating hormonal balance in your body is to add in more healthy fats. Once I stopped being afraid that eating fat was going to make me fat and added in avocados, coconut oil, walnuts and salmon I stopped forgetting things and I felt more focused and in tune with my body. If you eat more fats you will be more focused and productive during your day and you are really supporting your thyroid. I know that when I eat more healthy fats, my skin glows and my period is more in sync which helps keep my hormones pretty balanced.
Do You Know What You Are Eating?
So many of my clients come to me because they are not sure if something they are eating is actually causing them to feel cranky and moody or if there is something else deeper going on with their health and wellness. I always encourage you to take time to write down what you are eating and how you feel two hours later. See if you can make a connection between the foods that you are eating, your mood and your energy levels. Be sure to check labels on everything that you are eating, read very carefully and try to avoid gluten. This also causes our thyroid to feel sluggish. If you don’t see a pattern send me a note and we can find a time to look over your food journal as well as your health history to help connect the dots.
In the meantime come and join us this Sunday in Manhattan Beach for yoga moves and more nutrition and wellness advice to help reset your metabolism.
Big Hugs & Health,
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