Reach Your 2013 Health Goals

Have you started to create some 2013 goals? If you haven’t been able to reach your goals in the past, no worries you can do it this year. Here are some quick tips to help you plan for the new year!
1. Create A Vision
When you are setting your intentions for the new year, think about just one overall goal. Is it losing weight, eating healthier or doing more yoga? Now think of all of the mini steps that it would take to create this lifestyle change. These are all of your goals for the new year. If you are trying to eat healthier a few mini steps would include a kitchen cabinet cleanse, reading labels and cooking more.  Have fun with this first part and never be to hard on yourself if you didn’t accomplish it as soon as you wanted to.
2. Support
Tell at least one person what your 2013 goal is and ask if they can check in with you every few weeks to see how your intention is going. You can also ask this person to be your health buddy and set up times to do yoga or cook together.
3. Dates
First thing first, please don’t put any pressure on yourself, this is a fun thing to do. Remember that creating a healthier lifestyle takes time. When you are writing out your mini goals write down a date that would be great if you met your goal, as a motivational tool only.
4. Schedule in YOU time
Don’t forget about you. If you are already super busy and think that you won’t have time to make any new intentions lets first look at your calendar. Is there something that you are currently doing that you are no longer excited about. How about trying something new instead of doing that activity that isn’t true to you. Try moving some things around on your calendar to create time for what you want to achieve in the new year. Don’t forget this is all about you, and make sure that you have at least five minutes a day for yourself for some sacred time. Of course, it can be longer than that but aim for at least five minutes even during your busiest of days.
5. Have fun
The key to reaching your goals is to set some really fun intentions. Think about what you would really love 2013 to look like. Will you be laughing more, smiling more and just enjoying life more. Even if your intention is to lose weight, there are some really fun ways we can achieve that healthy goal.
6. Let Go
Just let go of any and all expectations you might have for your intentions. The more pressure you put on your self, the less rewarding they will be. Just like in yoga, the art of letting go will help you have fun with your intentions as you start your new year.
Need support reaching your 2013 Health Goals? Schedule your free discovery health session with me today!
Happy New Year 🙂
Big Hugs & Health
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