Ever wonder why you feel bloated and no matter what you do, your belly doesn’t seem to shrink?
The balance of our body and especially our gut is so important for our optimal health. When we create harmony in our belly with certain foods we can lose weight, have clearer skin, and reduce our sugar cravings for good.
When I began my health and wellness journey I first reduced sugar in my life. I said goodbye to my Peanut M&M’s and added in raw cacao and my raw chocolate macaroons. I then started to increase the amount of greens in my diet, drank ginger tea and added fresh ginger to my salads.
My stomach started to feel better but I still noticed that I felt bloated. My digestion and bloating didn’t really improve until l I added in probiotics and fermented foods to my diet.
<—– this is me with pickled ginger, kimchee and fermented chopped veggies at my local farmer’s market!
Our gut becomes imbalanced for many reasons; years of dieting, too much sugar and the over usage of antibiotics.
Over the years the unhealthy bacteria stays while the healthy bacteria which we need disappears. No need to worry though, we can restore our gut and create more balance and reduce bloating for good in our body.
Today I am sharing with you how you can start to restore the healthy bacteria in your belly and reduce bloating.
Say goodbye to sugar
One of the best ways to start creating a healthier belly is to eliminate sugar. I love sugar as much as anyone, but it must go! Sugar is in everything and too much of it creates an imbalance in our bodies with our hormones and our gut. Instead of processed sugars I like to eat fruit and use cinnamon, nutmeg and shredded coconut to “sweeten” things up.
Eat Healthy Carbs
Instead of reaching for bread, pasta and crackers as carbs try to eat healthier carbs like sweet potatoes, carrots and quinoa. All white carbs are just sugar and only create more imbalance and leave you feeling lethargic and cranky. Look in your fridge and cabinets and start taking out all of the white sugary carbs and replace them with healthier options.
Add in greens
Try to eat as many greens as you possibly can. This will help detox the body and start rebuilding your digestive tract. See how your body feels after a few weeks of eating more greens throughout your day.
Add in Ginger
Fresh ginger is one of the best ways to cure indigestion and stomach bugs. I use fresh ginger with hot water and lemon and make a tea or I sip on some Yogi’s Tea. I like the ginger and lemon tea the best. I also put fresh ginger on my salads, and sometimes just eat it when I am craving salt or sugar and it really helps me reduce my cravings.
Take A Daily Probiotic
Adding in probiotics and fermented foods is especially beneficial when you are taking antibiotics. The healthy bacteria is essential for your gut to create balance. If you are feeling constipated after surgery or taking antibiotics please start taking a probiotic now. I take a daily probiotic and I really do notice a difference in my body on the days that I forget to take it. I love the Life Equals brand, this is the one I use daily and recommend to all of my clients. You can try it using code KBR50 at checkout for 50% off your first order. You just need to click subscribe and save, which you can cancel at anytime.
Add in Fermented Foods
This is what I have been doing all year and what has been making a big different in my body. I have noticed less bloating and less stomach issues the more fermented foods that I eat.
Some things to add into your diet today are Kimchee, Kombucha, pickled ginger, saukerraut, kefer and kefer coconut water. The best place to find fermented foods are in the raw section of the grocery store, a korean grocery store or a local farmer’s market. The more fermented foods you eat the less your body will crave sugar or salt.
Reduce Stress
This one is a biggie for me, I am always sharing how to reduce stress in your life but seriously your belly reacts to stress in not the best of ways. Take a moment to tune in and see how your body feels when you are stressed, how are your bowel movements, do you have stomach pains, are you more bloated than normal?
Stress does not do a body good so take deep long breaths, take breaks during the day and say no more often than yes is a good place to start!
If you are still feeling bloated and not sure how to feel better in your belly and body please reach out at anytime so we can spend some time together figuring out what the root cause of your bloating might be.
I would love to hear from you what you will be adding into your diet, please share with us below.
Big Hugs & Health,
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