Reset Your Metabolism Workshop – April 18th

Reset Your Metabolism, Energize Your Life! One of the most common beliefs we’ve inherited about our bodies is that one day our metabolism is going to slow down and we will gain weight, have less energy and not feel as if we can enjoy food the way we do right now.

Join me, Yoga Teacher Wendy Garafalo and Acupuncturist Joe Curcio to discover how you can stimulate your body to help improve digestion, nourish your thyroid and help boost your metabolism.

This two-hour hands on workshop is dedicated to supporting you and your body. Katie Bressack will be sharing simple and effective healthy tips so you can feel the best you’ve had in years. Wendy Garafalo will be leading you through a yoga flow to help aid your digestion and stimulate your thyroid. Joe Curcio will be performing tongue and pulse diagnosis to determine constitutional imbalances that are interfering with metabolism and then provide personalized recommendations to restore balance.

Here is the link for more details and to sign up! 

Reset Your Metabolism Workshop Flyer

Looking forward to seeing you on April 18th! This workshop is coming to NYC on Thursday, May 8th so stay tuned for more details. 

Big Hugs & Health, 


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