When was the last time you did something extremely special for yourself that made you feel luscious and completely nourished in your body?
When was the last time you felt beautiful and confident in your body, every single day?
When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror with no judgment or cruel words but just love and utter appreciation?
It is time to go all in and fall in love (again)! This summer let’s fall in love with our bodies.
Together we will be treating ourselves in the most special and loving ways in July during the Thrive In Your Body, Summer Body Love Challenge.
You will discover how you feel when you are not just merely existing but thriving in your body.
When you are thriving in your body you have fun and joyful relationships, you are confident at your job and get that promotion and raise, you move your body because you love your body and your life feels and looks like you have imagined all of these years.
It’s time ladies!
We will be sharing with each other how we are thriving in our bodies by taking pictures during our Summer Body Love Challenge.
The woman who posts the most pictures will win a spot in my Thrive In Your Body Mastery Program beginning this August!
Join us today as we start our body love journey together on July 7th. Don’t forget to invite your friends to join us!
Big Hugs & Health,
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