How To Deconstruct Your Cravings

Raw-Chocolate-MacaroonsDo you find yourself craving sugar all of the time no matter how many times you try to quit your addiction?

Do you find yourself searching for chips to crunch on as soon as you get home from work?

Do you avoid bread at all costs even though all you want to eat is bread?

I get it, I’ve been there.

I used to be addicted to dairy! I honestly didn’t think I could survive without it and when I started to change my health I realized that my favorite food group was the one making my body sick.

When I quit dairy cold turkey guess what happened? I only craved it more.

It wasn’t until I figured out that dairy is often our bodies way to feel comfort. That is why sitting on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s after a stressful day of work feels like it might do the trick to bring you comfort and ease.

The truth is until we know why our bodies are craving certain foods we will always crave them. It’s that simple. Yes we can add in healthier foods to crowd out the sweets and the chips but if you have a horrible day your first reaction will be to grab that cookie.

I want to help you tune into your body and discover why your body is craving certain foods. I want to show you how understanding your cravings is the best way to stop having them. It’s not about restriction or deprivation it’s about understanding the why to help you feel better in your body.

I hope you can join me for our next Women’s Wellness Chat on Wednesday, August 5th at 5:30 p.m. (pst) to help deconstruct your cravings. If you are unable to join us that evening, sign up anyways and I will send you a recording of our wellness chat.

Big Hugs & Health,






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