Last week I met up with a lovely lady who I have been supporting for the past few months. The moment I saw her I got all teary eyed and gave her a huge hug. I was and am so proud of her and her health transformation.
In just a few months my amazing client was standing with such confidence, the smile on her face so full of joy and her skin was glowing. She looked liked the healthy woman she described to me in our first session together when we were creating her ideal vision of her life and health.
I first met my client when she came to one of my nutrition workshops at The Green Yogi. When she was ready to make her and her health a priority she called me and we started her personalized nutrition and wellness program that week.
Within a few weeks she lost several inches around her waist, she no longer felt bloated, and was cooking healthy meals. She noticed she had so much more energy during the day, was sleeping better, the back pain that was bothering her on a daily basis was gone, and she was feeling comfortable and confident with trying new foods. She is also making time for herself by scheduling in regular massages.
Just a few months later she is dating again and having fun with it, one of her intentions was to find the man of her dreams. She is also kicking some serious butt at her job and most importantly she know looks at herself in the mirror and loves what she sees.
During one of our last sessions together she shared with me that she has been waiting her entire life to feel like this and that she is “waking up every every day and feeling good all day long.”
I am so proud of this amazing woman and I can’t wait to see how the rest of her year unfolds.
Big Hugs & Health,
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