Health Tips For New Moms

Take Care Of Yourself First After Having A Baby

You’ve recently brought a new life into this world and have been caring for this baby around the clock. Chances are it’s been challenging to think about yourself, especially your health. Your health still matters, especially since you basically just ran a marathon! It might feel overwhelming, but I’m here to share with you three ways you can support your body after having a baby with just a few spare minutes a day. When you take care of the new you while nurturing your child, you can provide yourself with key nutrients for postpartum recovery and help you feel a little bit more energized.

I recently gave a talk at New Beginnings At The Nest in Hermosa Beach for new moms and am sharing a few tips for new moms that we spoke about.

How to take care of you after having a baby

Eat More, Diet Less

Now I must clarify what I mean by this. What I don’t mean is “eat anything and everything,” but please “don’t restrict your diet.” Postpartum your body is going through a number of changes. You did just bring a child into the world after all! So, what your body needs is to feel nourished and cared for. Diets do the opposite of that; they leave you feeling deprived and throw your hormones even more out of wack. Your metabolism slows and your body’s satiety cues are not functioning optimally when you diet and diets leave you craving everything in sight.  

Focus on eating for your hormones, which includes proteins, healthy fats, lots of fiber, and water. Also leaving behind processed and refined foods.

But what about those pesky cravings? Most new moms crave lots of sugar! Cravings are usually an indicator that your body simply needs the healthy version of whatever you’re craving. Craving sugar like a candy bar or ice cream? Try fruit, a healthy sorbet, a parfait with greek yogurt and berries, or dark chocolate/cacao. Craving unhealthy fats like cheeseburgers and fries? Load up on healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, nuts, or peanut butter. Don’t leave yourself feeling deprived of food, simply eat more of the healthy foods. If you don’t have enough food in the house order groceries to be delivered or have your partner go out and pick up all of the essentials. 

Postpartum nutrition

Take Charge of the First Hour of your Day

Do you find yourself grabbing a coffee before anything else in the morning? Well, you’re not the only one, but this can be counterproductive to your energy levels postpartum. During this time post-birth when sleep can be quite the commodity, drinking coffee as soon as you wake up can cause you to feel more exhausted over time. This is because of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol, often known as the stress hormone, is released by the body upon waking up and is the body’s natural way to help wake you up. By drinking coffee as soon as you awaken, your body decides the cortisol is less necessary and produces less of this hormone, thus causing you to feel more tired long term. But don’t worry! You don’t have to give up your delicious Cup of Joe. Instead focus on hydrating and nourishing your body first. Ideally first drink water, then eat a healthy breakfast with a protein source to help you sustain energy and decrease cravings for the day, and THEN we can enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee. Learn ways to incorporate a healthy breakfast and why here. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Nowadays we tend to be drinking less water than is advisable, but this is more concerning for women that are lactating. You need even more water due to the breastmilk that you are producing. Breastfeeding mothers need about 12 cups of water per day in addition to the fluids available in your food. Breastmilk is how your baby stays hydrated so it is important for mother to stay hydrated as well. Try and create a routine of drinking a tall glass of water before or after each breastfeeding session.

For more tips like these or a comprehensive plan for your postpartum needs, you can contact me here.


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  • Want a deeper look into your hormones? Take my quiz to see what foods might be helpful to add into your diet
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Information in this post and on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of practice experience and research by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem.

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