Please Stop Dieting

 Welcome to February, the month of Love! A time to share your love with everyone you know, especially you. This is often the most challenging part, loving you and that body of yours.
I’ve tried the no-fat, low-fat, no carb etc diet. I’ve done the whole obsessive exercise routine. All it did was leave me exhausted, frustrated and moody. At times I was not a fun person to be around!

I felt like there had to be another way. It didn’t have to be this hard to feel healthy and energized.

Slowly my life changed. I was open and ready for it. I first discovered yoga. I stopped worrying about calories and if I would gain weight if I ate something I shouldn’t. I stopped feeling guilty about my food choices and started eating real whole foods and learning what my body needed on a daily basis to thrive.

It was and still is all about the mini steps towards Body Love. 

Now I have more energy. I feel focused and more confident in my body. We all have those days when the jeans don’t fit the way we want them to but this no longer ruins my day.

I take mini steps every day towards a healthy lifestyle and I no longer restrict myself. If I really want that piece of cake, I eat it!

This month I encourage you to write love notes to yourself, celebrate what you love about your body and please stop dieting!
Big Hugs,
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