Detox Your Body With Greens

The holidays are over and perhaps you are feeling a little bit sluggish? No worries, you can get your energy back without too much work!

Instead of detoxing with a juice cleanse, lets focus on adding in whole, real foods that give you energy this year.

Greens are the number one food group missing in most diets. By adding greens into your body you can improve your energy levels, your skin will have that healthy beautiful glow, and you will sleep better and be more focused.

As your health coach, I encourage each and every one of you to figure out what foods give your body energy. Look at your diet and see how many greens you are already eating, how do you feel if you don’t eat greens one day? Use food to be your guide to finding out how you can create more energy in your day.

Greens are very energizing, yet grounding, so they are the perfect vegetable to add into your diet. They are the foods most missing from modern diets and are essential for your body’s health. Greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, Vitamins A, C, E and K. They are also full of fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and other pythochemicals.

Greens are detoxifying because they purify your blood, improve circulation in the body, strengthen the immune system, improve liver, gall bladder and kidney function plus they clear congestion by reducing mucus in your body.

It is important to eat greens on a daily basis but especially so right after the holidays for detox purposes.

Try to eat greens at least twice a day for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. Once you have greens included into your diet twice a day see if you can have greens at every meal.

Some of my favorite greens are Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Basil and Lettuce. The best news about greens is that there are tons of new ones to try and experiment with. One fun thing to do in the New Year is to try a new green every week and notice how different your body feels once you have added more greens into your diet.

I love my green smoothies in the morning! Here is one of my favorite recipes that is Simple & Delish.

If you are looking for more support this year I would love to gift you one of my complimentary health discovery sessions. Please contact me today!

Big Hugs,


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