New Year, New You… Now What

IMG_1839This year seems to be going faster than any previous year for me! It is already 70 days into the New Year and the perfect time for a little self check in with your New Year’s intentions.

Did you know that the number one New Year’s resolution every year is to lose weight? If you belong to a gym or yoga studio you might have noticed new faces at the start of the year, or maybe you are one of them.

Now that we are two months into the New Year, let’s check in with ourselves. Take a moment to ask yourself what your goal was for the new year and see how often you are fitting your intention into your life.

If you have been able to rock your new year, new you intentions, take a moment to give yourself a huge hug. Changing habits is not the easiest thing to do, keep rocking with your healthier self!

If this is not you, no worries you are not alone.

Often times we get so excited at the beginning of the year to reach our goals that we make it a point to go to the gym and plan meals ahead of time. You may have experienced an increase in energy, maybe lost some weight and this kept you motivated to continue your new healthy routines.

Then comes the unexpected work trip or we end up getting sick and we tend go back into our old habits and become more lax with our exercise and nutrition.

Your New Year, New You goal can be saved! Here are a few quick tips to continue supporting you this year.

  • Schedule everything out on your calendar! Schedule your exercise time, grocery shopping, cooking healthy meals and time just for you. When we block out time, we create more time in our lives to be healthy. Just by taking an hour on Sunday nights prepping food for the week can help you lose weight since you will not be grabbing dinner on your way home from work.
  • Exercise Buddy! Ask your roommate, husband, wife or co-worker to go to the gym or yoga class with you. If you tell someone that you will met them at a certain time you will be more apt to work out that day. When we exercise more our body craves healthier food and this helps with our health intentions.
  • Understand your trigger points!  We all have reasons why keeping to our healthy intentions can be a challenge. It is usually the same trigger point every year that causes us to stop our healthy routine. Maybe you get so busy at work and with your family that you no longer carve out time to exercise, maybe you are not eating the right foods for your body and need a health coach to help you figure out how to increase your energy levels. Maybe it is emotional? If you are stressed, upset or unhappy it will be harder to get to the gym. Spend some time journaling to see what might be blocking you from moving forward.
  • Let go of judgement. Be okay where you are in your life at this very moment. If you have been working out, eating healthy and haven’t seen automatic results, do not give up! Once you have created a solid base of adding healthy foods into your life, creating an exercise and self care routine you will see results. Instead of focusing on just the weight loss notice how your skin looks, how your energy levels are and how your body feels on a daily basis.
  • Get Support Spring is just around the corner and having support to reach your health intentions is the best way to get results. The women I support lose weight and maintain the weight loss, decrease stress in their lives and make nutritious decisions about their health and well being. Check out some of my client’s success stories here!  I meet you wherever you are on your health journey, and would be honored to support you.

The best part of checking in with yourself is realizing that it is only March. You still have 10 more months to become a healthier version of yourself this year!

Now let’s get started! Schedule a time for your Complimentary Health Discovery Session.

Can’t wait to chat with you!

Big Hugs,


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